Our Klein Nektar Wine and Olive Estate is the ideal place to stay during this challenging time, as each of our accommodation options is booked for only one party of guests.
Considering the concerns surrounding the current COVID-19 pandemic, we at Klein Nektar Wine & Olive Estate are taking all precautionary health and safety measures to safeguard both visitors as well as our loyal staff within the parameters of Government directives.
Whilst Klein Nektar Wine & Olive Estate has always maintained strict standards for hygiene and cleanliness, we have implemented additional precautionary measures to protect ourselves and our guests by:
greeting and acknowledging and appreciating your presence with a bow and a friendly smile,
wearing masks and gloves where necessary and sanitising throughout the processes of checking in guests, handling luggage etc.
having hygiene stations throughout our properties, which will include hand sanitizer with a minimum 60% alcohol content and/or sanitising hand wipes,
regularly cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces
clearly displaying instructional posters on how to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus
maintaining a safe distance
We are continuously assessing the situation and will keep our guests and staff up to date through our website, social media platforms as well as through personal correspondence.